Jul 21, 20201 min

My So-Called Life Book Update: COVID Edition

Apologies for the radio silence over the last month or so; I must admit that the ever-increasing layers of societal collapse have gotten the best of me lately. While I continue to work on So Beautiful it Hurts: The Making of My So-Called Life in between Day Job stuff, I’m not getting in as many hours as I would like. Don’t get me wrong: I’m better than most at ignoring the headlines, but living in a state that still doesn’t seem to fully believe that the coronavirus is, you know, a thing, eventually takes its toll upon a person.

On the bright side, I only have two interviews left to transcribe, and have conducted 35 in all, so far. (More to come, fingers crossed.) The book’s designer (and my better half), Pamela, is also working on a gorgeous website for the project, which we intend to stock with loads of fresh MSCL-related info to tide you over until the book is finally available.

For those who’ve stuck with this project since the beginning, thank you! And to those who are only now discovering it, hang in there. My hope is that when this book is finally finished, all will feel it was worth the wait.

Go now. Go.


So Beautiful it Hurts’ is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with ABC, The Bedford Falls Co.,or anyone involved with the making or distribution of “My So-Called Life.”
