In which a San Diego design studio puts its cards on the table.

While the U.S. continues to gnash its teeth over how best to seal itself off from the rest of the world, it was lovely to explore the creation of these funky playing cards for PaperSpecs, lovingly crafted by Traina Design back in 2014.
This week, as part of our weekly "Paper Inspiration" video feature (hosted by PaperSpecs founder Sabine Lenz), we had the chance to brush up on our Spanish with what amounts to a 52-card passion project funded by a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign. (I wrote the detailed entry that accompanies this video.)
Written in advance late last year – weeks before the saber rattling that led to the current government shutdown began – this project seems strangely controversial now, which is a pity. From the beautiful gold foil work on the tuck box to the remarkably effective yellow-tinge added to the cards to suggest prolonged exposure to time and the elements, it is that very rare creature – a complicated print piece created purely for the joy of it.
You can find many, many more Paper Inspiration videos here.