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In Memory of MSCL's Bo Harwood

Updated: Oct 13, 2022

So sad to learn of the passing of Bo Harwood. He was one of the unsung crew members behind My So-Called Life. Among many other things, he was the one who recorded Angela's voice overs. I'm indebted to (another unsung hero) co-producer Monica Wyatt for sharing this little peek into the past a couple years back:

"Bo [Harwood], who was our sound recordist, had an amazing dog that he would bring in. This dog was like everyone’s psychotherapist. You just had to pet him and all was well with the world.... [Bo] had set up this little soundproof recording room. When Claire’s schedule allowed it, we’d go into the room and she’d read the voice overs. She was just so lovely to work with and really generous with trying different ways to read it, or taking adjustments. Most of the time it was air perfect on the first reading. But that was always really fun. It just felt really like home."

So Beautiful it Hurts: The Making of My So-Called Life’ is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with ABC, The Bedford Falls Co., nor anyone involved with the making or distribution of “My So-Called Life.”




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